Cochlear Implant Services

Cochlear Implant Services

Arkansas Otolaryngology Center implanted the first cochlear implant in 1979 and has been implanting adult hearing impaired patients since then. We have two otologists on staff who specialize in cochlear implant surgery.

A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device that is available for the hearing impaired person who no longer benefits from hearing aids. While very powerful hearing aids are on the market, they may not improve hearing if there are too few or no remaining inner ear sensory cells to stimulate. Therefore, the sound information cannot be properly delivered to the brain. Cochlear implants do not just amplify sound. They bypass the damaged parts of the inner ear and deliver sound signals directly to the hearing nerve using electrical currents.

If you are currently wearing hearing aids and find you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, you MAY be candidate for a cochlear implant.

  • I have difficulty following conversations without lipreading.

  • I hear pretty well in quiet, but I struggle in groups or noisy places.

  • I cannot follow most phone conversations especially if I do not know the person calling.

  • I feel isolated and limited both socially and occupationally due to my hearing loss.

 If you think you may be a candidate for a cochlear implant you may contact Dr. Leslie Stansell at (501) 227-3800.

We are a proud retailer of Advanced Bionics & Cochlear.


Hearing Aids


Pediatric ENT