Voice & Speech Center
Speech-Language Pathology Program
The Speech-Language Pathology Program at Arkansas Otolaryngology Center is committed to improving quality of life through excellence in the evaluation, treatment, and management of patients with voice, swallowing, and airway disorders.
If you have a voice change persisting for longer than 2 weeks your primary care physician may refer you to our otolaryngology specialists and speech pathologist to collect information regarding: medical history, reason for referral, patient reported outcome measures, current condition, and plan of action. Through extensive examination by physician exam, laryngeal video stroboscopy, and patient report our team will be able to identify the cause of concern and curate a patient-centered treatment plan.
Common voice disorders evaluated and treated through our multi-disciplinary team include:
Functional etiology
Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Irritable larynx syndrome/ Vocal Fold Dysfunction
Chronic (neurogenic) cough
Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement
And more…
Organic etiology
Benign Vocal Lesions (nodules, polyps, etc.)
Vocal Fold Paresis/Paralysis- pre and post op assessment/treatment
Parkinson’s Disease- SPEAK OUT! provider
And more….
If services are warranted, a patient-centered treatment plan is established and initiated. Our speech-language pathologist will then utilize evidence-based treatment and clinical competency to aid in the improvement of the patient’s quality of life. Therapeutic intervention includes Resonant voice, respiratory support (EMST, The Breather, diaphragmatic breathing), semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, vocal function exercises, SPEAK OUT!, relaxed throat breathing/emergency breathing for PVCM/Laryngospasm and more.
Upon referral for swallowing difficulties, our speech pathologist will utilize evaluative measures though collaborative efforts, including performance of a Video Fluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS, OPV, MBS) or Flexible Fiberoptic Exam of Swallowing (FEES), to determine cause and diagnoses of the presented issues. Following evaluation, a formulated plan of care will be implemented to improve swallowing function and quality of life.
Swallowing disorders evaluated and treated through our multi-disciplinary team include:
Oral Phase Dysphagia
Oropharyngeal Phase Dysphagia
Pharyngeal Phase Dysphagia
If services are warranted, a patient-centered treatment plan will be established and initiated. As dysphagia is a symptom rather than a primary diagnosis your AOC ENT will provide the patient with appropriate recommendations and referral for targeting derivation of swallowing issues. To improve functionality of the individual’s swallow itself, utilization of evidence-based treatment and clinical competency will be implemented to aid in the improvement of the patient’s quality of life.
Speech-Language Pathology services are provided on an outpatient basis at our Kanis Campus in Little Rock. Our clinical expertise and core values of compassion and respect demonstrate our commitment to providing the highest quality of care for our patients. AOC does not accept Medicaid for SLP services due to Medicaid regulations for adult outpatient services.
Appointments are scheduled Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm. For further information, please call:
Our speech-language pathologist is licensed by the state of Arkansas and is certified by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA).